Fast becoming one of the most issued driving penalties driving whilst on the telephone can have a detrimental impact on the recipient, with the sophistication of mobile technology making using your phone more tempting than ever.
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Feeling the offence to be just as serious as drink driving or operating a vehicle under the influence of drugs the minister for transport, Chris Grayling, says the following:
“We all have a part to play in ensuring our family and friends do not use their phones while driving,” said Grayling, promising to announce “a tougher new penalty regime shortly”.
At present those caught on their phone whilst operating a vehicle receive a £100 fine in addition to 3 penalty points, positioned as more of a warning. However, authorities have believed this to be more of a slap on the wrist, needing to show drivers that such behaviour will not be tolerated. As a result tougher sanctions have been introduced, doubling the fine to £200 as increasing penalty points to 6. This is mainly geared towards new and young drivers; a group that statistically carry out this offence more frequently than any other. Department for Transport (DfT) recently pointed out that a disproportionate number of those caught using their phones fell into this category, aiming to stop the accumulation of point in its tracks.
Let us know what you think, is this tougher penalty needed or a little too harsh?