As covered in a previous article on High Gear News we have recently seen an increase in Insurance Premium Tax, with Autumn expected to reveal another hike. Increasing rates for both the drivers and the industry, this change has not gone down too well with the...
England and Wales are soon implementing plans to crack down on whiplash compensation; a change that is expected to reduce millions of car insurance policies by around £40. With bogus claims becoming the norm over the past few years authorities have had no choice but...
While Uber is seen to be a bit of a dirty word amongst the traditional cabbies of the UK they do seem to get themselves in trouble, with each day bringing a new Uber-related drama to the table. This week the cabbies of Guilford are having their say, believing Uber...
While we would have expected the bustling streets of London to enjoy the title of taxi capital of the UK a recent research project has crowned Rossendale as the winners of that category. Figures reveal that the Valley has more taxis per head than London, a fact that...
With the figure of the taxi driver being one of responsibly licensing should be tight, ensuring the roads of the UK are filled with professional drivers that practice within the pentameters of the law. However, in recent times we have seen some ill practice, with...
While we are used to seeing taxis fitted with a meter in the cabin it seems that this is not the case throughout the country, with Northern Ireland drivers working with charge sheets up until now. While many drivers have been working with the traditional black meter...